April Fools Poll

We asked our  Wicked Cool customers who the best person they could play an April Fool's Joke on.  Turns out everyone wants to get their friends and nobody wants to sting their parents!  (could it be parent's just don't have a sense of humor?) Here's the result of our Poll conducted March 18th, 2006 - April 1st 2006

Who is the BEST person you could play an April Fools Day Joke On?

Friends - They're going to get me, so I'll get them First!  - 36%
My Boss/Teacher - They deserve it! - 27%
Complete Strangers - Oh, the look on their faces! - 13%
Brother/Sister - They're going to get me, so I'll get them First! -12%
Co-Worker/Classmate - To lighten the mood! -10%
Parents - Such easy targets. -3%

About WickedCoolStuff.com, Inc. Based in North Hollywood, CA, WickedCoolStuff.com is a pop culture online retailer specializing in licensed Movie, TV, Cartoon and Comic Book properties. WickedCoolStuff.com. This is part of a series of pop culture polls that will continue to survey fans monthly and post the results on WickedCoolStuff.com.
